Recognition of Hg2+ion through restricted imine isomerization: crystallographic evidence and imaging in live cells

TitleRecognition of Hg2+ion through restricted imine isomerization: crystallographic evidence and imaging in live cells
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsMandal, AKumar, Suresh, M, Das, P, Suresh, E, Baidya, M, Ghosh, SK, Das, A
JournalOrganic Letters
Date PublishedJUN

A newly synthesized imine-based receptor (L) showed remarkable specificity toward the Hg2+ ion in aqueous media over other metal ions. Coordination of L to Hg2+ induces a turn-on fluorescence response. This was explained based on the restricted imine isomerization along with PET on coordination to Hg2+. X-ray structural evidence tends to favor a C–C bond rotation rather than C═N isomerization for adopting a favorable conformation in L for coordination to Hg2+. This reagent could be used for imaging the accumulation of Hg2+ ions in HeLa cells.

Funding Agency

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) - India

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)6.142
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry