Preparation and performance evaluation of EPDM nanocomposites under accelerated weathering

TitlePreparation and performance evaluation of EPDM nanocomposites under accelerated weathering
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsRana, S, Tevtia, AK, Kumar, B, Singh, RP
JournalJournal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
Date PublishedSEP
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordscarbonyl index, Degradation, EPDM, layered silicates, Nanocomposites, photooxidation

The degradability of ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) nanocomposites, prepared from organically modified montmorillonite (CMMT), is studied under accelerated UV irradiation (lambda >= 290 nm) for different time intervals. The development of functional groups during degradation is monitored by FT-IR spectroscopy whereas, surface changes are studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of clay modifier and clay concentration on the degradability are studied. The degradation of neat polymer and composites taking place traditionally and an increase in carbonyl and hydroxyl groups are observed with irradiation time. Neat EPDM is found to be less degradable than nanocomposites. Degradation products, as seen by FT-IR in nanocomposites are found to be the same as in neat polymer but are generated at a faster rate. According to the experimental results, one can define that both ammonium ion and neat montmorillonite (MMT) accelerate the photo-oxidation of EPDM.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)0.922
Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering