Polymerized stimuli-responsive microgel hybrids of silver nanoparticles as efficient reusable catalyst for reduction reaction

TitlePolymerized stimuli-responsive microgel hybrids of silver nanoparticles as efficient reusable catalyst for reduction reaction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsPany, B, Majumdar, AGhosh, Bhat, S, Si, S, Yamanaka, J, Mohanty, PS
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsLight scattering, Microgel-metal hybrids, Nanomaterial catalysts, PNIPAM microgels, Polymerized hydrogel matrix(PGM, Stimuli-responsive microgels

We have showcased the potential of polymerized hydrogels (PGMs) with uniform -sized stimuliresponsive microgel particles as promising alternatives to prevent aggregation in solution based nanoparticle systems. In the current work, we implemented the PGM concept by embedding anionic stimuli -responsive microgels (PNIPAM-co-AAc)-silver (Ag) hybrids within a hydrogel matrix. These PGM@AgNP hybrid materials are used as catalysts for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4 -NP) to 4-aminophenol (4 -AP) in the presence of sodium borohydride. UV-VIS spectroscopy is used for studying catalytic activity. In the solution based system, the complete reduction of 4NP to 4 -AP took 30 minutes with pure Ag nanoparticles, 24 minutes with PNIPAM-Ag hybrid (Neutral) microgels and 15 minutes with PNIPAM-co-AAc-Ag (Anionic) hybrid microgels. In contrast PGM containing PNIPAM-co-AAc-Ag hybrids achieved full reduction in just 15 minutes, along with a 3 -minute induction period. For pure Ag nanoparticles, the first -order rate constant is found to be 0.25 min - 1, for PNIPAM-Ag hybrid (Neutral), it is 0.21 min- 1 and for PNIPAM-coAAc-Ag (Anionic), it is 0.5 min- 1 where as for PGM containing anionic microgel hybrids it is found to be 0.8 min - 1. Furthermore, the reusability of the PGM-Ag (anionic) materials for catalytic activity remains unaltered even after several washings. In summary, our study highlights the effectiveness of PGM@AgNP materials as efficient catalysts for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol, indicating their versatile potential in various catalytic applications.

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Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering
Web of Science (WoS)

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