Photoplethysmograph based arrhythmia detection using morphological features

TitlePhotoplethysmograph based arrhythmia detection using morphological features
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsNeha,, Sardana, HK, Kanawade, R, Dogra, N
JournalBiomedical Signal Processing and Control
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsArrhythmia, Machine learning algorithms, Photoplethysmography, Signal processing

Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive optical technique that is used for the detection of cardiovascular diseases. The paroxysmal nature of arrhythmic events and the lack of timely recorded data emphasize the need to develop an automated method for the identification of arrhythmias. The literature shows the detection of a single type of arrhythmia using PPG. However, limited research has been carried out for the detection of multiple types of arrhythmia. In this research work, a new set of morphological features have been proposed for the automated detection of multiple arrhythmias using rule-based and statistical learning-based approaches. The proposed work has been implemented on the retrospective dataset and validated on the prospective dataset. The results show that the rule-based arrhythmia detection method is equipollent to the statistical learning approach with an accuracy of 98.43%/94.16% on the retrospective dataset and 94.16%/93% on the prospective dataset.

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Physical and Materials Chemistry
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