Photoinduced CO2 and N2 reductions on plasmonically enabled gallium oxide

TitlePhotoinduced CO2 and N2 reductions on plasmonically enabled gallium oxide
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsOjha, N, Thakkar, K, Bajpai, A, Joshi, K, Kumar, S
JournalJournal of Colloid and Interface Science
Date PublishedJAN
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsCO2 reduction, DRIFTS density functional theory, hydrophilicity, Photocurrent response

Ag-containing ZnO/ b-Ga2O3 semiconductor, which exhibit reduced bandgap, increased light absorption, and hydrophilicity, have been found to be useful for photocatalytic CO2 reduction and N2 fixation by water. The charge-separation is facilitated by the new interfaces and inherent vacancies. The Ag@GaZn demonstrated the highest photocurrent response, about 20-and 2.27-folds that of the Ga and GaZn sam-ples, respectively. CO, CH4, and H2 formed as products for photo-reduction of CO2. Ag@GaZn catalyst exhibited the highest AQY of 0.121 % at 400 nm (31.2 W/m2). Also, Ag@GaZn generated 740 lmolg-1 of NH4+ ions, which was about 18-folds higher than Ga sample. In situ DRIFTS for isotopic-labelled 13CO2 and 15N2 reaffirmed the photo-activity of as-synthesized catalysts. Density functional theory pro-vided insight into the relative affinity of different planes of heterostructures towards H2O, CO2 and N2 molecules. The structure-photoactivity rationale behind the intriguing Ag@GaZn sample offers a funda-mental insight into the role of plasmonic Ag and design principle of heterostructure with improved pho-toactivity and stability.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Physical and Materials Chemistry
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