Photocatalytic hydrogen generation and CO2 conversion using g-C3N4 decorated dendritic fibrous nanosilica: role of interfaces between silica and g-C3N4

TitlePhotocatalytic hydrogen generation and CO2 conversion using g-C3N4 decorated dendritic fibrous nanosilica: role of interfaces between silica and g-C3N4
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsRawool, SA, Samanta, A, Ajithkumar, TG, Kar, Y, Polshettiwar, V
JournalACS Applied Energy Materials
Date PublishedSEP
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsCO2 conversion, DFNS, g-C3N4, Hydrogen generation, nanocatalysts, photocatalysts, Solid-state NMR

We have synthesized g-C3N4 decorated over dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS). The generation of C-N-Si interfaces by coating each fiber of DFNS with g-C3N4 not only provided high surface area but also affected the optical and electronic properties of the composite. The catalyst synthesis reproducibility issue of g-C3N4 was resolved using a vacuum-sealed quartz tube. The extended light absorption in the visible region, enhanced lifetime of photogenerated charge carriers due to the formation of interfaces between silica and g-C3N4 (confirmed by solid-state NMR), and increased surface area result in the improved photocatalytic activity of DFNS/g-C(3)N(4)for hydrogen generation and CO2 conversion.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Divison category: 
Central NMR Facility
Physical and Materials Chemistry

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