One pot and single step hydrolytic process for the conversion of lignocellulose into value added chemicals

TitleOne pot and single step hydrolytic process for the conversion of lignocellulose into value added chemicals
Publication TypePatent
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDhepe, PLaxmikant, Sahu, R
Published SourceWO2011092711 A1
Application NumberPCT/IN2010/000047
Date PublishedAUG
AbstractThe present invention provides a single step hydrolytic process for the conversion of lignocellulose, into value added chemicals wherein said process is catalyzed by at least one heterogeneous solid acid catalyst selected from a group comprising of zeolites, zeolites with Si/metal, mesoporous silica, oxides and phosphates, clays, ion-exchange resins, heteropolyacids, various sulfates, phosphates, selenates, crystalline materials and amorphous materials.
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry