Novel pharmaceutical cocrystals and salts of bumetanide

TitleNovel pharmaceutical cocrystals and salts of bumetanide
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAllu, S, Bolla, G, Tothadi, S, Nangia, AK
JournalCrystal Growth & Design
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle

New crystalline forms of bumetanide, namely, four cocrystals, two salts, and one salt-cocrystal were crystallized. Urea and lactams such as valerolactam, caprolactam, and N-methyl caprolactam formed cocrystals with bumetanide, whereas 4-aminopyridine gave a salt. Piperazine afforded a salt hydrate, and 5-fluorocytosine gave a salt-cocrystal. The supramolecular synthons in bumetanide-lactam cocrystals are an amide dimer between drug and coformer, and acid homo dimer between bumetanide molecules. In bumetanide salts, the acid proton is transferred from bumetanide to coformer amine, whereas in bumetanide salt-cocrystal proton transfer and free acid were observed in the crystal structure. Similarly, the cytosine salt-cocrystal of bumetanide and fluorocytosine also gave a salt-cocrystal adduct. The acid proton of bumetanide is transferred to the 2-amino pyridine base of cytosine as a salt, and on the other side of the drug molecule the sulfonamide interacts with the syn amide part of cytosine. Furthermore, solubility, dissolution, and diffusion membrane permeability experiments were performed on all new solid forms. The piperazine salt shows high dissolution and permeability crossover when compared to other binary forms of bumetanide.

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Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry

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