Nickel-catalyzed tandem conversion of paraformaldehyde : methanol to hydrogen and formate/chemo- and stereoselective hydrogenation of alkynes under neutral conditions

TitleNickel-catalyzed tandem conversion of paraformaldehyde : methanol to hydrogen and formate/chemo- and stereoselective hydrogenation of alkynes under neutral conditions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsSubaramanian, M, Padhy, SSukanya, Gouda, C, Das, T, Vanka, K, Balaraman, E
JournalCatalysis Science and Technology
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle

The development of new catalytic protocols for clean and COx-free hydrogen generation from fundamental feedstocks is always interesting and challenging. Herein, we disclose nickel-catalyzed dihydrogen generation from a mixture of paraformaldehyde-methanol under base-free and activator-free conditions. The dihydrogen generation from this redox combination under neutral, oxidative coupling conditions has been integrated with the hydrogen transfer reactions such as chemo- and stereoselective hydrogenation of alkynes in a tandem manner. This unprecedented strategy provides diverse highly stereoselective olefins with excellent tolerance of reducible functional groups such as ether, silyl ether, aldehyde, keto, ester, nitrile, halides including bromo and iodo groups, and heteroarenes. Additionally, we demonstrated catalytic stereo-interconversion of alkenes under benign conditions. The affordable gram-scale synthesis of some important pharmaceutical bioactive molecules has further enhanced their synthetic value. A tandem dihydrogen generation from a mixture of paraformaldehyde-methanol under base-free conditions followed by semihydrogenation of alkynes is reported.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry
Web of Science (WoS)

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