Mycology and mycotechnology on postal stamps

TitleMycology and mycotechnology on postal stamps
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsGhormade, V, Pathan, E, Jyoti, J, Vartak, A, Deshpande, M
JournalCurrent Science
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordsmycology, mycophilately, Mycotechnology, photogenic appeal, postal stamps

Mycology, the study of fungal biology, and philately, the study of postage stamps, are rarely connected, as they are very different activities. However, philatelic mycology can raise awareness of the facets of fungi which contribute significantly to human welfare. Fungi are photogenic and exhibit physiological wonders such as luminescence. They are important in biotechnology for their secondary metabolites. So, stamps depicting fungi signal the recognition of problems and prospects of prosperity posed by fungi in nutrition and health, agriculture, engineering, industry and ecology. Many countries have issued thousands of stamps on fungi. India with a rich heritage of fungal diversity lags in this respect. This article hopes to inspire action by celebrating the beauty and significance of fungi in the art of philately.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)1.102
Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences

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