Multi-bandgap quantum dots ensemble for near-infrared photovoltaics

TitleMulti-bandgap quantum dots ensemble for near-infrared photovoltaics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsMahajan, C, Dambhare, NV, Biswas, A, Sharma, A, Shinde, DDattatray, Rath, AK
JournalEnergy Technology
Date PublishedJUN
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordsbulk-heterojunctions, multi-bandgap, near-infrared, quantum dots, solar cells, surface passivation

Narrow bandgap quantum dots (QDs) are an important class of materials for near-infrared (NIR) optoelectronic devices owing to their size-tunable bandgap and chemical root processing. In photovoltaic applications, NIR QDs could be particularly useful to complement the sub-bandgap transmission loss of NIR solar radiation from perovskite and c-Si solar cells. However, insufficient carrier extraction thickness associated with the narrow NIR excitonic bandwidth of QDs limits the conversion efficacy of the broad NIR solar spectrum. Here, we utilize a multi-bandgap QD ensemble which widens the NIR absorption bandwidth to mimic the broad solar spectrum. A solution-phase ligand passivation strategy is used to control doping properties and energy level alignment of multi-bandgap QDs. We successfully developed bulk-heterojunction solar cells using the multi-bandgap QD ensemble, which yields higher carrier extraction thickness and broader NIR absorption. The gain from NIR absorption and carrier transport resulted in higher short-circuit current generation and power conversion efficiency (PCE) in solar cell devices. The champion device shows 8.73% PCE under 1.5 AM solar illumination and 7.44% and 5.05% PCE for the NIR photons transmitted from perovskite and c-Si layers.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry
Web of Science (WoS)

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