Metabolic reprogramming and signalling cross-talks in tumour-immune interaction: a system-level exploration

TitleMetabolic reprogramming and signalling cross-talks in tumour-immune interaction: a system-level exploration
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsShukla, M, Bhowmick, R, Ganguli, P, Sarkar, RRup
JournalRoyal Society Open Science
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordsmetabolic reprogramming, signalling-metabolic cross-talks, system modelling, tumour-immune interaction

Tumour-immune microenvironment (TIME) is pivotal in tumour progression and immunoediting. Within TIME, immune cells undergo metabolic adjustments impacting nutrient supply and the anti-tumour immune response. Metabolic reprogramming emerges as a promising approach to revert the immune response towards a pro-inflammatory state and conquer tumour dominance. This study proposes immunomodulatory mechanisms based on metabolic reprogramming and employs the regulatory flux balance analysis modelling approach, which integrates signalling, metabolism and regulatory processes. For the first time, a comprehensive system-level model is constructed to capture signalling and metabolic cross-talks during tumour-immune interaction and regulatory constraints are incorporated by considering the time lag between them. The model analysis identifies novel features to enhance the immune response while suppressing tumour activity. Particularly, altering the exchange of succinate and oxaloacetate between glioma and macrophage enhances the pro-inflammatory response of immune cells. Inhibition of glutamate uptake in T-cells disrupts the antioxidant mechanism of glioma and reprograms metabolism. Metabolic reprogramming through adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK), coupled with glutamate uptake inhibition, was identified as the most impactful combination to restore T-cell function. A comprehensive understanding of metabolism and gene regulation represents a favourable approach to promote immune cell recovery from tumour dominance.

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Chemical Engineering & Process Development
Web of Science (WoS)

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