Mechanochemical synthesis of N-salicylideneaniline: thermosalient effect of polymorphic crystals

TitleMechanochemical synthesis of N-salicylideneaniline: thermosalient effect of polymorphic crystals
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMittapalli, S, D. Perumalla, S, Nangia, A
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordscrystal design, crystal engineering, Halogen bonding, hydrogen bonding, intermolecular interactions, materials science, mechanochemistry, polymorphism

Polymorphs of the dichloro derivative of N-salicylideneaniline exhibit mechanical responses such as jumping (Forms I and III) and exploding (Form II) in its three polymorphs. The molecules are connected via the amide N-H center dot center dot center dot O dimer synthon and C-Cl center dot center dot center dot O halogen bond in the three crystal structures. A fourth high-temperature Form IV was confirmed by variable-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 180 degrees C. The behaviour of jumping exhibited by the polymorphic crystals of Forms I and III is due to the layered sheet morphology and the transmission of thermal stress in a single direction, compared with the corrugated sheet structure of Form II such that heat dissipation is more isotropic causing blasting. The role of weak C-Cl center dot center dot center dot O interactions in the thermal response of molecular crystals is discussed.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)6.544
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry

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