Mapping of QTLs governing agronomic and yield traits in chickpea

TitleMapping of QTLs governing agronomic and yield traits in chickpea
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsGowda, SJM, Radhika, P, Mhase, LB, Jamadagni, BM, Gupta, VS, Kadoo, NY
JournalJournal of Applied Genetics
Date PublishedFEB
KeywordsCicer arietinum, QTL analysis, QTL x environment interaction, Two-locus analysis, Yield traits

Chickpea is one of the most important leguminous cool season food crops, cultivated prevalently in South Asia and Middle East. The main objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with seven agronomic and yield traits in two recombinant inbred line populations of chickpea derived from the crosses JG62xVijay (JV population) and VijayxICC4958 (VI population) from at least three environments. Single locus QTL analysis involved composite interval mapping (CIM) for individual traits and multiple-trait composite interval mapping (MCIM) for correlated traits to detect pleiotropic QTLs. Two-locus analysis was conducted to identify the main effect QTLs (M-QTLs), epistatic QTLs (E-QTLs) and QTL x environment interactions. Through CIM analysis, a total of 106 significant QTLs (41 in JV and 65 in VI populations) were identified for the seven traits, of which one QTL each for plant height and days to maturity was common in both the populations. Six pleiotropic QTLs that were consistent over the environments were also identified. LG2 in JV and LG1a in VI contained at least one QTL for each trait. Hence, concentrating on these LGs in molecular breeding programs is most likely to bring simultaneous improvement in these traits.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)1.16
Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences