Ligand-free one-pot synthesis of Ru/W18O49 self-assembled hierarchical coral-like nanostructures for selective conversion of glucose into glycols

TitleLigand-free one-pot synthesis of Ru/W18O49 self-assembled hierarchical coral-like nanostructures for selective conversion of glucose into glycols
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsPatil, MKrishnat, Gaikwad, SHanmant, Kirali, AArunima Ba, Marimuthu, B, Mukherjee, SPorel
JournalACS Applied Nano Materials
Date PublishedDEC
Type of ArticleJournal Article
Keywordsglycols, Nanostructure, One-pot synthesis, ruthenium (Ru), selective conversion of glucose, tungsten oxide (W18O49)

In this study, we report a simple inorganic route for the synthesis of Ru/W18O49 self-assembled coral-like nanostructures, with the following advantages: It is one step and requires no surfactant or stabilizing agent; Ru loading is easily tuned, and the as-synthesized nanomaterials can be used as a catalyst without any further processing. The preliminary investigations of the catalytic performance of these as-synthesized Ru/W18O49 nanomaterials appear quite promising for converting glucose to glycols. The total glycol selectivity of 82.6% with 100% conversion of glucose was obtained over 0.03 wt % Ru loading on tungsten nanostructures, which turns out to be the lowest Ru loading% on support reported to date to achieve the highest total glycol selectivity among the previously reported catalyst based on Ru-nano/composite materials. Additionally, preliminary results show that the concentration of Ru on W18O49 significantly affects the selectivity of the glycol production. Thus, our methodology will open up a wide range of opportunities regarding the choice of metals, stoichiometric/nonstoichiometric WOx (x=1-3) as support, and the viability of further catalytic manipulations. A probable catalytic mechanism for this catalytic process is also proposed.

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Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry
Physical and Materials Chemistry
Web of Science (WoS)

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