Large magnetocaloric effect, moment, and coercivity enhancement after coating Ni nanoparticles with Ag

TitleLarge magnetocaloric effect, moment, and coercivity enhancement after coating Ni nanoparticles with Ag
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsSrinath, S, Poddar, P, Das, R, Sidhaye, D, Prasad, BLV, Gass, J, Srikanth, H
Date PublishedJUN
Keywordsanisotropy, core-shell, magnetic properties, Nanoparticles, superparamagnetic

We observe a large magnetocaloric effect in monodisperse Ni and NicoreAgshell nanoparticles in the superparamagnetic region. The organically passivated Ni nanospheres show a large magnetic entropy change of 0.9 J kg(-1)K for a 3 T magnetic field change. In comparison to the surfactant-coated Ni nanoparticles, the NicoreAgshell nanoparticles show an enhanced coercivity, magnetization, and magnetocaloric effect (1.3 kgK for a 3 T magnetic field change). The coercivity at 10 K increases from 360 Oe for Ni nanoparticles to nearly 610 Oe for NicoreAgshell particles. This large enhancement is attributed to the enhanced inter-particle interaction, which is mediated by the metallic shell, over the relatively weaker dipolar interaction in the surfactant-coated Ni nanoparticles, and to modification of the surface spin structure.

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Physical and Materials Chemistry