Isolation of new straight chain compounds from acacia nilotica

TitleIsolation of new straight chain compounds from acacia nilotica
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsChaubal, R, Tambe, A, Biswas, S, Rojatkar, S, Deshpande, V, Deshpande, N
JournalIndian Journal of Chemistry Section B-Organic Chemistry including Medicinal Chemistry
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsAcacia nilotica, diester, pentacosane dioic acid, saponification

A novel diester, pentacosane dioic acid dihexadecyl ester 1 has been isolated for the first time from n-hexane soxhlet extract of Acacia nilotica. Saponification of the diester reveals the presence of an alcohol, hexadecanol and pentacosane dioic acid. The structures of both the compounds are confirmed by GCMS analysis. Saponification of pet-ether extract of Acacia nilotica has been carried out. Unsaponiflable matter is further purified by column chromatography followed by repeated mixed solvent crystallization to afford heptacosan-1,2,3-triol 2.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)0.471
Divison category: 
Chemical Engineering & Process Development