Insights into the structure of sucralfate by advanced solid- and liquid-state NMR

TitleInsights into the structure of sucralfate by advanced solid- and liquid-state NMR
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsHareendran, C, Ravindranathan, S, Ajithkumar, TG
JournalMolecualr Pharmaceutics
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywords(27)AlMQMAS, H-1-H-1 DQSQ, pharmacological action, solid-stateNMR, sucralfate

Sucralfate, which is a sucrose octasulfate aluminum complex, is an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) falling in the category of cytoprotective agents which are very effective for gastric and duodenal ulcers. On interaction with stomach acid, it ionizes into aluminum and sucrose octasulfate ions to form a protective layer over the ulcerated region inhibiting further attack from acid. The mechanism of action of sucralfate in the context of its structure is not well understood. Considering that at least two forms of this API are available in the market, there are no reports on the various forms of sucralfate and differences in their pharmacological action. We characterized the two forms of sucralfate using multinuclear, multidimensional solid-state NMR, and the results show significant structural differences between them arising from variation in the aluminum environment and the level of hydration. The impact of structural differences on pharmacological action was examined by studying acid-induced Al release by Al-27 liquid-state NMR. The sucralfate, European pharmaceutical standard, Form I, undergoes faster disruption in acid compared to Form II. The difference is explained on the basis of structural differences in the two forms which gives significant insights into the action of sucralfate in relation to its structure.

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Divison category: 
Central NMR Facility
Physical and Materials Chemistry
Web of Science (WoS)

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