Identifying structural signature of dynamical heterogeneity via the local softness parameter

TitleIdentifying structural signature of dynamical heterogeneity via the local softness parameter
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSharma, M, Nandi, MKumar, Bhattacharyya, SMaitra
JournalPhysical Review E
Date PublishedAPR
Type of ArticleArticle

In this work we study the relationship between the softness of a mean-field caging potential and dynamics at the local level. We first describe the local softness, which shows a distribution, thus identifying structural heterogeneity. We show that the lifetime of the softness parameter is connected to the lifetime of the well-known cage structure in supercooled liquids. Finally, our theory predicts that the local softness and the local dynamics is causal below the onset temperature where there is a decoupling between the short and long time dynamics, thus allowing a static description of the cage. With the decrease in temperature, the correlation between structure and dynamics increases. The study shows that at lower temperatures, the structural heterogeneity increases, and since the structure becomes a better predictor of the dynamics, it leads to an increase in the dynamical heterogeneity. We also find that the softness of a hard, immobile region evolves with time and becomes soft and eventually mobile due to the rearrangements in the neighborhood, confirming the well-known facilitation effect.

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Polymer Science & Engineering
Web of Science (WoS)

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