Hydrodynamics, residence time distribution, and mass transfer in spiral coils in series

TitleHydrodynamics, residence time distribution, and mass transfer in spiral coils in series
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsKhan, MS, Deore, HS, Kulkarni, AA
JournalIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Date PublishedDEC
Type of ArticleJournal Article
KeywordsGas- Liquid, heat transfer coefficient, Liquid Taylor Flow

Here, we report the analysis of flow field, residence time distribution (RTD), and mass transfer for the novel design of a spiral coil reactor (SCR) consisting of five spiral coils connected in series. Each coil comprises 8 turns with minimum and maximum radii of curvatures of 15 and 45 mm, respectively. The SCR is made up of an SS 316 tube (1/8 in. approximate to 3.175 mm O.D. and 1.8 mm I.D.), with a total length of 3.89 m. Experiments, as well as three-dimensional (3D) CFD simulations, are carried out to study the effects of the flow rate (61 <= Re-in <= 1839) on spatial variations in velocity and pressure distribution within the individual coils of the reactor. The flow regime is observed to undergo a transition from stable laminar flow for a lesser Dean number (De < 50) to dominant secondary flow vortices for De > 80. During the flow from the inner to the outer turns of the coil, the tangential velocity increases with a decreasing curvature ratio (delta), and the opposite occurs during the flow from the outer to the inner turns of the coil. Experimental RTD results show that the extent of axial dispersion decays exponentially with increasing Re and remains constant for Re > 500. For liquid-liquid two-phase flow, the spiral coils in series offer a mass transfer coefficient comparable to those of static mixers and agitated contactors but with significantly lesser power consumption per unit volume. This work gives new insights into the design of a spiral coil reactor suitable to carry out single-phase and multiphase reactions efficiently as possibly the most space-filling option of tubular reactors with excellent transport characteristics.

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Chemical Engineering & Process Development
Web of Science (WoS)

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