Hydrated clay for catalyst removal in copper mediated atom transfer radical polymerization(a)

TitleHydrated clay for catalyst removal in copper mediated atom transfer radical polymerization(a)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsMunirasu, S, Deshpande, A, Baskaran, D
JournalMacromolecular Rapid Communications
Date PublishedSEP
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsAtom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), Catalysts, clay, selectivity, synthesis

A simple method has been described to remove catalyst from the copper mediated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of benzyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate in anisole at 25 degrees C using hydrated natural clay (sodium montmorillonite, Na-clay). The method consists of (1) addition of hydrated clay (CU(I/)clay approximate to 5 wt.-%) either during or after the polymerization, (2) oxidation of catalyst complex by exposing the terminated reaction mixture in air, and (3) filtration to obtain catalyst free polymer solution. A strong coordination of CuBr-ligand complex onto hydrated clay (10 wt.-%

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)4.638
Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering