Evaluation of multipoint dosing strategy in a miniaturized tubular reactor: nitration of salicylic acid

TitleEvaluation of multipoint dosing strategy in a miniaturized tubular reactor: nitration of salicylic acid
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsDebnath, S, Kienle, A, Kulkarni, AA
JournalChemical Engineering & Technology
Date PublishedJUN
KeywordsMultipoint injection, nitration, Plug-flow reactor, Salicylic acid, Tubular reactor

A 2D non-isothermal reaction engineering model for a tubular reactor was developed for a complex reaction network of salicylic acid nitration. The influence of different operating and design parameters was studied to minimize the amount of secondary nitration products and limit the maximum temperature inside the reactor. Critical temperature effects were observed for larger reaction tubes, whereas close to isothermal conditions were perceived in smaller tubes. With single-point dosing of both reactants, complete conversion can be achieved but formation of secondary nitration products cannot be avoided. For a given number of dosing points, a suitable combination of the operating parameters allowed to achieve complete conversion and better yield of the desired product.

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Chemical Engineering & Process Development