Enhancement of double-layer capacitance behavior and its electrical conductivity in layered poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-based nanocomposites

TitleEnhancement of double-layer capacitance behavior and its electrical conductivity in layered poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-based nanocomposites
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsA. Murugan, V, Viswanath, AK, Campet, G, Gopinath, CS, Vijayamohanan, K
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Date PublishedDEC

In this letter, we report on the enhanced double-layer capacitance of a layered poly (3, 4-ethylene dioxythiophene) PEDOT-MoO3 nanocomposite, which has been synthesized by a novel microwave irradiation method. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis shows the changes in electron density and the shift in binding energy suggesting charge transfer from sulfur atoms upon PEDOT intercalation between MoO3 layers. The room-temperature conductivity for the PEDOT-MoO3 composite is found to be 1.82x10(-1) S cm(-1), which is four orders of magnitude higher than that of the pristine oxide (3.78x10(-5) S cm(-1)). The enhanced double-layer capacitance of the PEDOT-MoO3 nanocomposite (similar to 300 F g(-1)) compared to that (similar to 40 mF g(-1)) of pristine MoO3 is attributed to higher electronic conductivity, enhanced bidimensionality, and increase in surface area of the nanocomposite.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)3.142
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry
Physical and Materials Chemistry