Electrochemically exfoliated black phosphorus nanosheets - prospective field emitters

TitleElectrochemically exfoliated black phosphorus nanosheets - prospective field emitters
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsErande, MB, Suryawanshi, SR, More, MA, Late, DJ
JournalEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Date PublishedJUL
Keywordsfield emission, Layered compounds, Nanostructures, Phosphorus

Herein we report field emission (FE) investigations on an electrochemically exfoliated few-layered black phosphorus nanosheet emitter at a base pressure of approximately 1x10(-8) mbar. The turn-on electric field required to draw an emission current density of approximately 10 A/cm(2) is found to be about 4.2 V/m. Furthermore, few-layered black phosphorus nanosheet emitters deliver an emission current density of about 170 A/cm(2) at an applied field of about 7.5 V/m. The emission current vs. time plot measured at preset current values of about 5 A shows emission current fluctuations within +/- 10% of the average value, indicating the highly stable nature of the black phosphorus field emitter. Thus, the 2D black phosphorus nanosheets synthesized using the simple electrochemical exfoliation method can be utilized for micro/nanoelectronics and flat panel FE display applications.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)2.686
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry