Effect of sintering temperature and vinca petals extract on structural and magnetic properties of delafossite CuFeO2

TitleEffect of sintering temperature and vinca petals extract on structural and magnetic properties of delafossite CuFeO2
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsDhruv, PN, Solanki, N, Kulkarni, S, Jotania, RB
EditorShekhawat, MS, Bhardwaj, S, Suthar, B
Conference NameInternational Conference On Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC 2015)
Date PublishedMAY
PublisherGovt Engn Coll
Conference Location2 Huntington Quadrangle, STE 1NO1, Melville, NY 11747-4501 USA
ISBN Number978-0-7354-1375-7

Delathssite CuFeO2, multi ferroic powder was synthesized using Sol-Gel auto combustion method. Influence of vinea flower petals extract on structural and magnetic properly of CuFeO2 were investigated. X-ray analysis of normal samples (synthesized without presence of vinca petals extract) shows formation of hematite and ferrite phases while the sample synthesized in presence of vinca petals extract show only mono phase. The absorption bands in FTIR spectra present between 510-460 cm(-1)in both the samples are due to stretching of Fe-O vibrations. VSM analysis shows that the squareness ratio (Mr/Ms) of the sample prepared using vinca petals extract obtains value of squareness ratio <0.5, which attributes multi domain formation of samples.

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