Effect of lipid bilayer composition on membrane protein association

TitleEffect of lipid bilayer composition on membrane protein association
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsPawar, AB, Prasanna, X, Sengupta, D
JournalAdvances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes
Date PublishedJUL

Diverse cellular functions are supported by membrane protein assemblies associated with the cell membrane. Although considered to be protein-mediated, membrane components are now being recognized as critical in modulating and sometime dictating function. This chapter discusses the effect of the lipid bilayer, in particular its composition on membrane protein organization. Computational methods have been successful in quantifying transmembrane protein association and general features of dimerization profiles are explored. Understanding the molecular basis of the interactions has lead to the recognition of the lipophobic effects. These nonspecific effects include those that arise from membrane perturbations and lipid chain packing and have been shown to modulate the energetics as well as the structural characteristics of membrane protein dimerization. In addition, specific interactions arising from direct protein–lipid interactions and protein–cholesterol interactions have been suggested to influence membrane protein association. We summarize here a few examples highlighting the role of the lipid bilayer on membrane protein organization.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)0.78
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry