Diverse reactivity of carbenes and silylenes towards fluoropyridines

TitleDiverse reactivity of carbenes and silylenes towards fluoropyridines
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKundu, G, Ajithkumar, VS, Bisai, MKumar, Tothadi, S, Das, T, Vanka, K, Sen, SS
JournalChemical Communications
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle

The reaction of IDipp with C5F5N led to functionalization of all three carbon atoms of the imidazole ring with HF2- as the counter-anion (1). Reactivity with 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoropyridine gives only C-F bond activation leaving C-H bonds intact (5b). The reaction of SIDipp with C5F5N in the presence of BF3 afforded the ring cleavage product (3). Analogous reactions with silylene led to oxidative addition at the Si(II) center.

DOI10.1039/d1cc01401c, Early Access Date = MAR 2021
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)6.222
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical and Materials Chemistry

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