Crosslinked polymer embedded Cu/Ag for comparative drug adsorption and kinetics evaluation

TitleCrosslinked polymer embedded Cu/Ag for comparative drug adsorption and kinetics evaluation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMane, S, Ponrathnam, S, Chavan, N
JournalInternational Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials
Date PublishedJAN
KeywordsAdsorption isotherm, adsorption kinetics, crosslink polymer, drug loading, langmuir adsorption isotherm, salbutamol

Two-dimensional crosslinked polymer (2-DCP) was synthesized for evaluation of drug adsorption and kinetics thereof. Further, polymer properties were evaluated and parameters such as contact time and adsorption isotherm were also studied. Herein, contact time demonstrated 83% and 85% of drug loading in an acidic medium for two-dimensional crosslinked polymer embedded copper and silver (2-DCP-Cu/Ag), respectively in 24h. Initial 4h is the exponential drug loading period whereas drug loading was increased gradually after 4h. Salbutamol loading was well-fitted to Langmuir adsorption isotherm, which indicated a monolayer drug adsorption with respect to 2-DCP-Cu/Ag. Pseudo first- and pseudo second-order kinetics was evaluated to perceive the drug adsorption mechanism and equilibrium adsorption capacity. Monolayer drug adsorption with chemisorption mechanism was observed for 2-DCP-Cu/Ag. In addition to this, decomposition temperature of polymer was 440 and 325 degrees C while glass transition temperature of polymer was 280 and 200 degrees C before and after metal modification, respectively. (A=aqueous phase; B=organic phase; C=drug solution; D=drug loaded polymer; E=enlarged drug loaded polymer.) [GRAPHICS] .

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)1.667
Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering