Connecting real glasses to mean-field models

TitleConnecting real glasses to mean-field models
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsNandi, UKumar, Kob, W, Bhattacharyya, SMaitra
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle

We propose a novel model for a glass-forming liquid, which allows us to switch in a continuous manner from a standard three-dimensional liquid to a fully connected mean-field model. This is achieved by introducing k additional particle-particle interactions, which thus augments the effective number of neighbors of each particle. Our computer simulations of this system show that the structure of the liquid does not change with the introduction of these pseudo-neighbors and by means of analytical calculations, and we determine the structural properties related to these additional neighbors. We show that the relaxation dynamics of the system slows down very quickly with the increase in k and that the onset and the mode-coupling temperatures increase. The systems with high values of k follow the mode-coupling theory power law behavior for a larger temperature range compared to the ones with lower values of k. The dynamic susceptibility indicates that the dynamic heterogeneity decreases with the increase in k, whereas the non-Gaussian parameter is independent of it. Thus, we conclude that with the increase in the number of pseudo-neighbors, the system becomes more mean-field-like. By comparing our results with previous studies on mean-field-like systems, we come to the conclusion that the details of how the mean-field limit is approached are important since they can lead to different dynamical behavior in this limit.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)3.488
Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering

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