Concise and collective total syntheses of 2,4-disubstituted furan-derived natural products from hydroxyoxetanyl ketones

TitleConcise and collective total syntheses of 2,4-disubstituted furan-derived natural products from hydroxyoxetanyl ketones
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsSahoo, SShekhar, Kataria, P, Kontham, R
JournalOrganic and biomolecular chemistry
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle

The furan moiety, prevalent in bioactive natural products and essential drugs, presents intriguing structural features that have spurred our exploration into streamlined chemical synthesis routes for related natural products. In this study, we demonstrate the concise total synthesis of eight 2,4-disubstituted furan-derived natural products (including methylfuroic acid, rabdoketones A and B, paleofurans A and B, tournefolin C, and shikonofurans A and B). Our methodology revolves around the utilization of hydroxyoxetanyl ketones as pivotal intermediates. The approach encompasses transformations such as selective organo-catalyzed cross-ketol addition, synthesis of hydroxymethyl-tethered furans through Bi(OTf)3 catalyzed dehydrative cycloisomerization of alpha-hydroxyoxetanyl ketones, and a hydrogen atom transfer (HAT)-mediated oxidation of primary alcohols into the corresponding acids. This comprehensive synthetic strategy highlights the versatility of hydroxyoxetanyl ketones as invaluable building blocks in the synthesis of furan-containing natural products. A unified total synthesis of eight 2,4-disubstituted furan-derived natural products has been achieved through Bi(iii)-catalyzed cascade cycloisomerization of alpha-hydroxyoxetanyl ketones and hydrogen atom transfer-mediated oxidation of primary alcohols as pivotal transformations.

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Organic Chemistry
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