Chemodivergent coupling of azoarenes with benzyl alcohols via a borrowing hydrogen strategy using a well-defined nickel catalyst

TitleChemodivergent coupling of azoarenes with benzyl alcohols via a borrowing hydrogen strategy using a well-defined nickel catalyst
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsBansal, S, Gonnade, RG, Punji, B
JournalCatalysis Science & Technology
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle

Chemodivergent (de)hydrogenative coupling of azoarenes with benzyl alcohols is achieved via the N=N bond activation using an inexpensive and well-defined (6-OH-bpy)NiCl2 catalyst. This protocol highlights the construction of C-N bonds via a borrowing hydrogen strategy that offers substituted imines and amines. A range of azo compounds couple with various substituted benzyl alcohols in a tandem hydrogenation/dehydrogenation process. The nickel catalyst along with the K2CO3 or (KOBu)-Bu-t base governed the selectivity in imine and amine formation. A preliminary mechanistic study establishes the crucial role of metal-ligand cooperation (MLC) comprising the distinct radical pathways.

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Center for Material Characterization (CMC)
Organic Chemistry
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