Base controlled rongalite-mediated reductive aldol/cyclization and dimerization of isatylidene malononitriles/cyanoacetates

TitleBase controlled rongalite-mediated reductive aldol/cyclization and dimerization of isatylidene malononitriles/cyanoacetates
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsChaudhari, SS, Nichinde, CB, Patil, BR, Girase, AS, Krishna, GRama, Kinage, AK
JournalOrganic and biomolecular chemistry
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle

In this study, we developed a novel methodology involving a base-controlled, rongalite-mediated reductive/aldol reaction, followed by cyclization of isatylidene malononitriles/cyanoacetates, resulting in the synthesis of spiro[2,3-dihydrofuran-3,3 `-oxindole]. Additionally, we have disclosed a rongalite-mediated dimerization process for isatylidene malononitriles, yielding dispiro[cyclopent-3 `-ene]bisoxindole. The utilization of rongalite in this reaction serves a dual purpose, acting both as a reducing agent and a C1 synthon. The developed approach has several advantages like a simple reaction setup, a wide substrate scope, requiring less time, using water as a green solvent, no metal or catalyst is required and products can be easily isolated via filtration with excellent yields under mild reaction conditions. A novel methodology was developed for the synthesis of spiro[2,3-dihydrofuran-3,3 `-oxindole] and dispiro[cyclopent-3 `-ene]bisoxindole under mild reaction conditions using inexpensive reagents.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Divison category: 
Chemical Engineering & Process Development
Organic Chemistry
Web of Science (WoS)

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