Atomic sizes and atomic properties

TitleAtomic sizes and atomic properties
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsGanguly, P
JournalJournal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle

We examine the dependence of atomic properties on a new atomic size, r(n)(Z)(c), that has been rigorously defined by the presence of an interaction without depending on the strength or nature of the interaction. We have thus related the static dielectric polarizability radius, r(alpha), the inverse of the first ionization potential, I(-1), the inverse of Pauling electronegativity scale, chi(-1)(P) and the size CR of atoms that contribute to interatomic distance involving atoms of the main group elements in the periodic table. There is a linear relationship between r(n)(Z)(c) and a size-dependent atomic property P of the form P = C(P)r(atom) + D(P), where r(atom) is a simple and transparent function of r(n)(Z)(c) and DP is simply related to the property of the hydrogen atom, except for P = I(-1) when DP is a property of the occupancy of the valence s-and p-electrons. We find a strict criterion for metallicity in elements based on atomic sizes and show how this criterion can be used to account for changes in descriptions of interatomic distance for gas-phase MX compounds of metallic elements.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)1.833
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry