Amino functionalized oligo polyimides with enhanced storage stability

TitleAmino functionalized oligo polyimides with enhanced storage stability
Publication TypePatent
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsDwivedi, M, Rao, LHari Sarvo, Mohan, SReddy Kris, Dhanasekharan, J, Rao, BMadhusudan, Kumar, SRajesh, Ponrathnam, S, Rajan, CRaman, Tayal, RKumar, Shadbar, QMohammed, Chavan, N, Deokar, SBabasaheb, Mulani, KBaban, Ghorpade, RV, Bhongale, SSitaram, Nalawade, AChetan, Sontakke, KVishwanath, Bhosle, SMadhavrao, Mule, SAtmaram, Dhoble, DArun, John, A, Shaikh, WAbdul Late, Harikrishna, R, Punitharasu, V, Momin, MShamshuddi
Published Source WO2012090055A1
Application NumberEP 11817412 A 20111228
Date PublishedJUL

The invention relates to an improved process for the preparation of amino functionalized oligomeric monomeric reactant type polyimides having higher stability. More particularly it relates to a process for the preparation of soluble imide prepolymers, used as matrix resins that can be rapidly cured with multi-functional moieties such as diepoxy, dicarboxyl, anhydride, diisocyanates to form crosslinked structures having enhanced thermal stability and mechanical strength.

Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering