Ab initio and periodic DFT investigation of hydrogen storage on light metal-decorated MOF-5

TitleAb initio and periodic DFT investigation of hydrogen storage on light metal-decorated MOF-5
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDixit, M, Maark, TAdit, Pal, S
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Date PublishedAUG
Keywordsab initio calculations, Density functional theory, Hydrogen binding energies, Hydrogen storage, Metal-Pi-Arene interactions

The effect of light metal (M = Li, Be, Mg, and Al) decoration on the stability of metal organic framework MOF-5 and its hydrogen adsorption is investigated by ab initio and periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations by employing models of the form BDC:M-2:nH(2) and MOF-5:M-2:nH(2), where BDC stands for the benzenedicarboxylate organic linker and MOF-5 represents the primitive unit cell. The suitability of the periodic DFT method employing the GGA-PBE functional is tested against MP2/6-311 + G* and MP2/cc-pVTZ molecular calculations. A correlation between the charge transfer and interaction energies is revealed. The metal-MOF-5 interactions are analyzed using the frontier molecular orbital approach. Difference charge density plots show that H-2 molecules get polarized due to the charge generated on the metal atom adsorbed over the BDC linker, resulting in electrostatic guest-host interactions. Our solid state results show that amongst the four metal atoms, Mg and Be decoration does not stabilize the MOF-5 to any significant extent. Li and Al decoration strengthened the H-2-MOE-5 interactions relative to the pure MOF-5 exhibited by the enhanced binding energies. The hydrogen binding energies for the Li- and Al-decorated MOF-5 were found to be sensible for allowing reversible hydrogen storage at ambient temperatures. A high hydrogen uptake of 4.3 wt.% and 3.9 wt.% is also predicted for the Li- and Al-decorated MOF-5, respectively. Copyright (C) 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)4.64
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry