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S. Aitipamula, Banerjee, R., Bansal, A. K., Biradha, K., Cheney, M. L., Choudhury, A. Roy, Desiraju, G. R., Dikundwar, A. G., Dubey, R., Duggirala, N., Ghogale, P. P., Ghosh, S., Goswami, P. Kumar, N. Goud, R., Jetti, R. R. K. R., Karpinski, P., Kaushik, P., Kumar, D., Kumar, V., Moulton, B., Mukherjee, A., Mukherjee, G., Myerson, A. S., Puri, V., Ramanan, A., Rajamannar, T., C. Reddy, M., Rodriguez-Hornedo, N., Rogers, R. D., Row, T. N. Guru, Sanphui, P., Shan, N., Shete, G., Singh, A., Sun, C. C., Swift, J. A., Thaimattam, R., Thakur, T. S., Thaper, R. Kumar, Thomas, S. P., Tothadi, S., Vangala, V. R., Variankaval, N., Vishweshwar, P., Weyna, D. R., and Zaworotko, M. J., Polymorphs, salts, and cocrystals: what's in a name?, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 2147-2152, 2012.
S. Aitipamula, Banerjee, R., Bansal, A. K., Biradha, K., Cheney, M. L., Choudhury, A. Roy, Desiraju, G. R., Dikundwar, A. G., Dubey, R., Duggirala, N., Ghogale, P. P., Ghosh, S., Goswami, P. Kumar, N. Goud, R., Jetti, R. R. K. R., Karpinski, P., Kaushik, P., Kumar, D., Kumar, V., Moulton, B., Mukherjee, A., Mukherjee, G., Myerson, A. S., Puri, V., Ramanan, A., Rajamannar, T., C. Reddy, M., Rodriguez-Hornedo, N., Rogers, R. D., Row, T. N. Guru, Sanphui, P., Shan, N., Shete, G., Singh, A., Sun, C. C., Swift, J. A., Thaimattam, R., Thakur, T. S., Thaper, R. Kumar, Thomas, S. P., Tothadi, S., Vangala, V. R., Vishweshwar, P., Weyna, D. R., and Zaworotko, M. J., Polymorphs, salts and cocrystals: what's in a name? (vol 12, pg 2147, 2012), Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 12, pp. 4290-4291, 2012.