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S. Barik, Kharabe, G. Pandurang, Illathvalappil, R., Singh, C. Pratap, Kanheerampockil, F., Walko, P. S., Bhat, S. K., R. Devi, N., Vinod, C. P., Krishnamurty, S., and Kurungot, S., Active site engineering and theoretical aspects of ``Superhydrophilic'' nanostructure array enabling efficient overall water electrolysis, Small, vol. 19, no. 50, 2023.
B. R. Shivankar, Singh, C. Pratap, and Krishnamurty, S., Chemically modified graphene sheets as potential sensors for organophosphate compounds(pesticide): A DFT study, Applied Surface Science, vol. 619, p. 156745, 2023.
P. Paramita Samal, Singh, C. Pratap, and Krishnamurty, S., Expounding lemonal terpenoids as corrosion inhibitors for copper using DFT based calculations, Applied Surface Science, vol. 614, p. 156066, 2023.
S. Sreekantan, Singh, C. Pratap, Krishnamurty, S., and Marimuthu, B., Investigation of the effect of zeolite supports and the role of W-species for one-pot catalytic conversion of cellulose to ethylene glycol: theoretical & experimental studies., Chemistry-An Asian Journal, vol. 18, no. 4, 2023.
N. S. Samudre, Singh, C. Pratap, and Krishnamurty, S., Understanding the thermal stability of a 3d, 4d, and 5d element doped aluminium nanocluster through BOMD simulations, Molecular Simulation, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 245-250, 2023.