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S. Mukhopadhyay, Kottaichamy, A. Raja, Devendrachari, M. Chattanaha, Mendhe, R. Mahadeo, Kotresh, H. Makri Nimb, Vinod, C. Prabhakara, and Thotiyl, M. Ottakam, Electrochemical energy storage in an organic supercapacitor via a non-electrochemical proton charge assembly, Chemical Science, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1726-1735, 2024.
R. Mahadeo Mendhe, Mondal, R., Kottaichamy, A. Raja, Haridas, A., Kotresh, H. Makri Nimb, Vinod, C. Prabhakara, Thimmappa, R., and Thotiyl, M. Ottakam, Fuel from waste: electrosynthesizing ammonia directly from agricultural digestate through ligand isomerization, Green Chemistry, vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 6490-6500, 2024.
A. Raja Kottaichamy, Nazrulla, M. Azeezulla, Parmar, M., Thimmappa, R., Devendrachari, M. Chattanaha, Vinod, C. Prabhakara, Volokh, M., Kotresh, H. Makri Nimb, Shalom, M., and Thotiyl, M. Ottakam, Ligand isomerization driven electrocatalytic switching, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, vol. 63, no. 30, 2024.
S. Dutt, Kottaichamy, A. Raja, Dargily, N. Christudas, Mukhopadhyay, S., Nayak, B., Devendrachari, M. Chattanhal, Vinod, C. Prabakaran, Kotresh, H. Makri Nimb, and Thotiyl, M. Ottakam, Switchable molecular electrocatalysis, CHEMICAL SCIENCE, vol. 15, no. 33, pp. 13262-13270, 2024.
M. Parmar, Mukhopadhyay, S., Mondal, R., Nayak, B., Dargily, N. Christudas, Kotresh, H. Makri Nimb, Vinod, C. Prabhakara, and Thotiyl, M. Ottakam, Synergistic effects of the substrate-ligand interaction in metal-organic complexes on the de-electronation kinetics of a vitamin C fuel cell, Dalton Transactions, vol. 53, no. 32, pp. 13384-13393, 2024.