CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), established in 1950, is one of the premier research institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) under Government of India. Research activities at CSIR-NCL cover diverse branches of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.
The well equipped Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC/Library) provides information support to the scientific staff, students of the laboratory using both archival print resources and contemporary digital resources.
The KRC/Library collection is fully computerized using Koha an open source software for day to day operations. Web Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is available on Internet to search and browse all collections available in the library through URL https://opac.ncl.res.in. KRC/Library is part of KNOWGATE project initiated by CSIR where library moved all its data from proprietary software to open source software Koha.
KRC/Library provides its services to users through an open source content management system software named as Drupal.
KRC/Library staff makes all efforts to provide its users access to current as well as archival contents by making use of state-of-the-art open source technologies available in the library.
Copyright © 2025, CSIR-NCL Library, Pune