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F. Ram, Radhakrishnan, S., Ambone, T., and Shanmuganathan, K., Highly flexible mechanical energy harvester based on nylon 11 ferroelectric nanocomposites, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, vol. 1, no. 8, pp. 1998–2005, 2019.
H. Ram and Dastager, S. G., Re-purposing is needed for beneficial bugs, not for the drugs, International Microbiology, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 2019.
H. Ram, Kumar, A., Thomas, L., Dastager, S. Gulam, Mawlankar, R. R., and Singh, V. Pal, Myroides indicus sp nov., isolated from garden soil, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, vol. 65, pp. 4008-4012, 2015.
F. Ram, Velayutham, P., Sahu, A. Kumar, Lele, A. K., and Shanmuganathan, K., Enhancing thermomechanical and chemical stability of polymer electrolyte membranes using polydopamine coated nanocellulose, ACS Applied Energy Materials, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1988-1999, 2020.
F. Ram, Gudadhe, A., Vijayakanth, T., Aherrao, S., Borkar, V., Boomishankar, R., and Shanmuganathan, K., Nanocellulose reinforced flexible composite nanogenerators with enhanced vibrational energy harvesting and sensing properties, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 2550-2562, 2020.
F. Ram, Suresh, K., Torris, A., Kumaraswamy, G., and Shanmuganathan, K., Highly compressible ceramic/polymer aerogel-based piezoelectric nanogenerators with enhanced mechanical energy harvesting property, Ceramics International, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 15750-15758, 2021.
F. Ram, Kaviraj, P., Pramanik, R., Krishnan, A., Shanmuganathan, K., and Arockiarajan, A., PVDF/BaTiO3 films with nanocellulose impregnation: investigation of structural, morphological and mechanical properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 823, p. 153701, 2020.
F. Ram, Biswas, B., Torris, A., Kumaraswamy, G., and Shanmuganathan, K., Elastic piezoelectric aerogels from isotropic and directionally ice-templated cellulose nanocrystals: comparison of structure and energy harvesting, Cellulose, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 6323-6337, 2021.
F. Ram, Ambone, T., Sharma, A., Murugesan, R., Kajale, D., Borkar, V., Ali, S. Faruque, Balu, P. Kumar, Kumaraswamy, G., and Shanmuganathan, K., Fluorinated nanocellulose-reinforced all-organic flexible ferroelectric nanocomposites for energy generation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 122, no. 29, pp. 16540-16549, 2018.
H. Ram, Sahu, A. Kumar, Said, M. S., Banpurkar, A. G., Gajbhiye, J. M., and Dastager, S. G., Novel fatty alkene from marine bacteria: a thermo stable biosurfactant and its applications, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 380, p. UNSP 120868, 2019.
I. Rakheja, Ansari, A. Hussain, Ray, A., Joshi, D. Chandra, and Maiti, S., Small molecule quercetin binds MALAT1 triplex and modulates its cellular function, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, vol. 30, pp. 241-256, 2022.
K. Rakesh, Khaire, S., Bhange, D. S., Dhanasekaran, P., Deshpande, S. S., Awate, S. V., and Gupta, N. M., Role of doping-induced photochemical and microstructural properties in the photocatalytic activity of InVO4 for splitting of water, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 46, no. 16, pp. 5466-5476, 2011.
A. V. Rajwade, Arora, R. S., Kadoo, N. Y., Harsulkar, A. M., Ghorpade, P. B., and Gupta, V. S., Relatedness of Indian flax genotypes (Linum usitatissimum L.): an inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primer assay, Molecular Biotechnology, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 161-170, 2010.
A. V. Rajwade, Joshi, R. S., Kadoo, N. Y., and Gupta, V. S., Sequence characterization and in silico structure prediction of fatty acid desaturases in linseed varieties with differential fatty acid composition, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol. 96, no. 15, pp. 4896-4906, 2016.
A. V. Rajwade, Kadoo, N. Y., Borikar, S. P., Harsulkar, A. M., Ghorpade, P. B., and Gupta, V. S., Differential transcriptional activity of SAD, FAD2 and FAD3 desaturase genes in developing seeds of linseed contributes to varietal variation in alpha-linolenic acid content, Phytochemistry, vol. 98, pp. 41-53, 2014.
K. B. Rajurkar, Tonde, S. S., Didgikar, M. R., Joshi, S. S., and Chaudhari, R. V., Environmentally benign catalytic hydroformylation-oxidation route for naproxen synthesis, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 46, no. 25, pp. 8480-8489, 2007.
D. Raju, Mehta, U. J., and Ahmad, A., Extra- and intracellular gold nanoparticles synthesis using live peanut callus cells, Current Nanoscience, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 107-112, 2013.
D. Raju, Kumar, S., Mehta, U. J., and Hazra, S., Differential accumulation of manganese in three mature tree species (Holoptelia, Cassia, Neem) growing on a mine dump, Current Science, vol. 94, no. 5, pp. 639-643, 2008.
D. Raju, Hazra, S., and Mehta, U. J., Phytosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by semecarpus anacardium L. leaf extract, Materials Letters, vol. 102, pp. 5-7, 2013.
D. Raju, Mendapara, R., and Mehta, U. J., Protein mediated synthesis of Au-Ag bimetallic nanoparticles, Materials Letters, vol. 124, pp. 271-274, 2014.
D. Raju, Paneliya, N., and Mehta, U. J., Extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles using living peanut seedling, Applied Nanoscience, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 875-879, 2014.
D. Raju, Paneliya, N., and Mehta, U. J., Living plant-mediated synthesis of different shaped gold nanoparticles, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 279-283, 2014.
D. Raju, Mehta, U. J., and Beedu, S. Rao, Biogenic green synthesis of monodispersed gum kondagogu (Cochlospermum gossypium) iron nanocomposite material and its application in germination and growth of mung bean (Vigna radiata) as a plant model, IET Nanobiotechnology, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 141-146, 2016.
D. Raju, Mehta, U. J., and Ahmad, A., Phytosynthesis of intracellular and extracellular gold nanoparticles by living peanut plant (Arachis hypogaea L.), Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 471-478, 2012.
D. Raju, Mehta, U. J., and Ahmad, A., Simple recovery of intracellular gold nanoparticles from peanut seedling roots, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1575-1581, 2015.
D. Raju, Siddiqui, E. Ahmad, Prasanth, S., Khan, B. M., Mehta, U. J., and Ahmad, A., Identification of biomolecules involved in the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles from living peanut seedlings, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1787-1795, 2017.
D. Raju, Vishwakarma, R. K., Khan, B. Mohammad, Mehta, U. J., and Ahmad, A., Biological synthesis of cationic gold nanoparticles and binding of plasmid DNA, Materials Letters, vol. 129, pp. 159-161, 2014.
D. Raju, Mehta, U. J., and Hazra, S., Synthesis of gold nanoparticles by various leaf fractions of Semecarpus anacardium L. tree, Trees-Structure and Function, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 145-151, 2011.
Rajshekhar, Gupta, A., Samanta, A. N., Kulkarni, B. D., and Jayaraman, V. K., Fault diagnosis using dynamic time warping, in Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Proceedings, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197 Berlin, Germany, 2007, vol. 4815, pp. 57-66.
L. Rajput and Banerjee, R., Mechanochemical synthesis of amide functionalized porous organic polymers, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 2729-2732, 2014.
B. S. Rajput, Chander, U., Arole, K., Stempfle, F., Menon, S. K., Mecking, S., and Chikkali, S. H., Synthesis of renewable copolyacetals with tunable degradation, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, vol. 217, no. 12, pp. 1396-1410, 2016.
V. Rajput, Yadav, R., and Dharne, M. S., Metagenomic exploration reveals a differential patterning of antibiotic resistance genes in urban and peri-urban stretches of a riverine system, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 28, no. 46, pp. 66477-66484, 2021.
B. S. Rajput, Ram, F., Menon, S. K., Shanmuganathan, K., and Chikkali, S. H., Cross-metathesis of biorenewable dioxalates and diols to film-forming degradable polyoxalates, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry, vol. 56, no. 14, pp. 1584-1592, 2018.
V. B. Rajput, Karthikeyan, M., and Ramasamy, S., Zebrafish acid ceramidase: expression in Pichia pastoris GS115and biochemical characterization, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 122, pp. 587-593, 2019.
B. S. Rajput, Gaikwad, S. R., Menon, S. K., and Chikkali, S. H., Sustainable polyacetals from isohexides, Green Chemistry, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 3810-3818, 2014.
V. Rajput, Samson, R., Yadav, R., Dastager, S., Khairnar, K., and Dharne, M., Metagenomic mining of Indian river confluence reveal functional microbial community with lignocelluloytic potential, 3 Biotech, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 132, 2022.
B. S. Rajput, Lekshmy, K. Girija, Menon, S. K., and Chikkali, S. H., Synthesis of isohexide-di(ether-ene)s and ADMET polymerization, Green Materials, vol. 5, no. 2, 2017.
B. S. Rajput, Pawal, S. B., V. Bodkhe, D., I. Rao, N., Sainath, A. V. Sesha, and Chikkali, S. H., Renewing polyethylene: insertion copolymerization of sugar derived hydrophilic monomers with ethylene, European Polymer Journal, vol. 134, p. 109775, 2020.
V. Rajput, Pramanik, R., Malik, V., Yadav, R., Samson, R., Kadam, P., Bhalerao, U., Tupekar, M., Deshpande, D., Shah, P., Shashidhara, L. S., Boargaonkar, R., Patil, D., Kale, S., Bhalerao, A., Jain, N., Kamble, S., Dastager, S., Karmodiya, K., and Dharne, M., Genomic surveillance reveals early detection and transition of delta to omicron lineages of SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater treatment plants of Pune, India, Environmental Science and Pollution Research , vol. 30, no. 56, pp. 118976-118988, 2023.
K. Rajkumari, Changmai, B., Meher, A. Kumar, Vanlalveni, C., Sudarsanam, P., Wheatley, A. E. H., and Rokhum, S. Lalthazual, Reusable magnetic nanocatalyst for bio-fuel additives: the ultrasound-assisted synthesis of solketal dagger, Sustainable Energy & Fuels , vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 2362-2372, 2021.
V. Raji, Rajith, I., and Sreekumar, K., Layered TiO2 nanosheet‐supported NiCo2O4 nanoparticles as bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting , ChemElectroChem, vol. 5, no. 24, pp. 4000-4007, 2018.
T. Rajgoli, Sant, T., Jejurikar, S. M., Hinge, S., Banpurkar, A., Dahiwale, S. S., and Late, D., Effects of gamma irradiation on non-polar GaN films deposited on sapphire using pulsed laser deposition, Applied Surface Science , vol. 654, 2024.
B. Rajeswari, Malarvizhi, N., Elumalai, D., and Jaisankar, S. N., Influences of functionalized nanoclays on morphology and mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol based composites by twin-screw extruder, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, vol. 56, no. 8, 2017.
T. Rajesh and R. Devi, N., Pt States in BaCe0.98Pt0.02O3-delta during start up and shut down operations under different conditions: stability and activity of ionic Pt in water gas shift reaction, Catalysis Letters, vol. 144, no. 12, pp. 2227-2232, 2014.
B. M. Rajesh, Shinde, M. V., Kannan, M., Srinivas, G., Iqbal, J., and D. Reddy, S., Enantiodivergent routes to (+) and (-)-novioses from (-)-pantolactone, RSC Advances, vol. 3, no. 43, pp. 20291-20297, 2013.
T. Rajesh, Rajarajan, A. K., Gopinath, C. S., and R. Devi, N., Evidence of cationic Pt active for water-gas shift reaction: Pt-doped BaCeO3 perovskite, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 116, no. 17, pp. 9526-9532, 2012.
T. Rajesh and R. Devi, N., Role of oxygen vacancies in water gas shift reaction: activity study on BaCe0.98-xYxPt0.02O3-delta perovskites, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 118, no. 36, pp. 20867-20874, 2014.
A. Rajesh and Sivaram, S., Polymerization of ethylene to branched poly(ethylene)s using ansa-eta(5)-monofluorenyl cyclohexanolato zirconium(IV) complex/methylaluminoxane, Polymer Bulletin, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 383-399, 2011.
T. Rajesh, Upadhyay, A., Sinha, A. K., Deb, S. K., and R. Devi, N., Effect of pt incorporation in LaBO3 (B = Mn, Fe, Co) perovskites on water gas shift activity, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, vol. 395, pp. 506-513, 2014.
T. Rajesh and R. Devi, N., Resistance to ionic pt insertion in oxygen excess LaMnO3 perovskite lattices and its effect in water gas shift reaction, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, vol. 395, pp. 534-542, 2014.
A. Rajesh and Sivaram, S., Polymerization of ethylene using amido functional half-sandwich complexes of group 4 metals, Polymer Engineering and Science, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 2103-2108, 2011.
K. Rajendran, Sharma, M., Jaison, A., Ankitha, M., Tiwari, A. D., Vinod, C. P., and Jagadeesan, D., Oxidation of ethylene by Cu/TiO2: reducibility of Cu2+ in TiO2 as a possible descriptor of catalytic efficiency, Catalysis Science & Technology, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 2330-2339, 2023.
M. Rajendran, Deka, S., Joy, P. Alias, and Bhattacharya, A. K., Size-dependent magnetic properties of nanocrystalline yttrium iron garnet powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 301, no. 1, pp. 212-219, 2006.
S. Rajendran, Mani, S. S., Nivedhitha, T. R., Asoka, A. Krishnan, Arun, P. S., Mathew, T., and Gopinath, C. S., Facile one-pot synthesis of Cu x O/TiO2 photocatalysts by regulating Cu oxidation state for efficient solar H2 production, ACS Applied Energy Materials , vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 104-116, 2023.
K. Rajendran, Pandurangan, N., Vinod, C. P., Khan, T. S., Gupta, S., M. Haider, A., and Jagadeesan, D., CuO as a reactive and reusable reagent for the hydrogenation of nitroarenes, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, vol. 297, p. 120417, 2021.
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D. V. Raje, Purohit, H. J., Badhe, Y. P., Tambe, S. S., and Kulkarni, B. D., Self-organizing maps: a tool to ascertain taxonomic relatedness based on features derived from 16S rDNA sequence, Journal of Biosciences, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 617-627, 2010.
K. Rajdeo, Harini, T., Lavanya, K., and Fadnavis, N. W., Immobilization of pectinase on reusable polymer support for clarification of apple juice, Food and Bioproducts Processing, vol. 99, pp. 12-19, 2016.
K. S. Rajdeo, Ponrathnam, S., Pardeshi, S., Chavan, N., Bhongale, S. Sitaram, and Harikrishna, R., Ambient temperature photocopolymerization of tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate and isobornyl methacrylate: reactivity ratios and thermal studies, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry, vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 982-991, 2015.
P. Rajasekar, Pandey, S., Paithankar, H., Chugh, J., Steiner, A., and Boomishankar, R., Imido-P(V) trianion supported enantiopure neutral tetrahedral Pd(II) cages, Chemical Communications, vol. 54, no. 15, pp. 1873-1876, 2018.
P. Rajasekar, Pandey, S., Ferrara, J. D., Del Campo, M., Le Magueres, P., and Boomishankar, R., Chiral separation of styrene oxides supported by enantiomeric tetrahedral neutral Pd(II) cages, Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 58, no. 22, pp. 15017-15020, 2019.
R. Rajasabapathy, Mohandass, C., Yoon, J. - H., Dastager, S. Gulam, Liu, Q., Khieu, T. - N., Son, C. Ky, Li, W. - J., and Colaco, A., Vitellibacter nionensis sp nov., isolated from a shallow water hydrothermal vent, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, vol. 65, pp. 692-697, 2015.
R. Rajasabapathy, Ghadi, S. C., Manikandan, B., Mohandass, C., Surendran, A., Dastager, S. G., Meena, R. M., and James, R. Arthur, Antimicrobial profiling of coral reef and sponge associated bacteria from southeast coast of India, vol. 141, no. Microbial Pathogenesis, p. 103972, 2020.
R. Rajasabapathy, Mohandass, C., Colaco, A., Dastager, S. Gulam, Santos, R. Serrao, and Meena, R. Murti, Culturable bacterial phylogeny from a shallow water hydrothermal vent of espalamaca (Faial, Azores) reveals a variety of novel taxa, Current Science, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 58-69, 2014.
R. Rajasabapathy, Mohandass, C., Dastager, S. Gulam, Liu, Q., Li, W. - J., and Colaco, A., Citreicella manganoxidans sp nov., a novel manganese oxidizing bacterium isolated from a shallow water hydrothermal vent in Espalamaca (Azores), Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, vol. 108, no. 6, pp. 1433-1439, 2015.
R. Rajasabapathy, Mohandass, C., Dastager, S. Gulam, Liu, Q., Khieu, T. - N., Son, C. Ky, Li, W. - J., and Colaco, A., Roseovarius azorensis sp nov., isolated from seawater at espalamaca, azores, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, vol. 105, no. 3, pp. 571-578, 2014.
R. Rajasabapathy, Mohandass, C., Yoon, J. - H., Dastager, S. Gulam, Liu, Q., Khieu, T. - N., Son, C. Ky, Li, W. - J., and Colaco, A., Nioella nitratireducens gen. nov., sp nov., a novel member of the family Rhodobacteraceae isolated from Azorean Island, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 589-595, 2015.
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R. Rajagopal, Mona, J., Joshi, R. S., Kale, S. N., Pradhan, S., Gaikwad, A. B., and Ravi, V., La0.67Ce0.03Sr0.3MnO3-coupled microwave assisted ultra-fast synthesis of nanocrystalline cobalt oxide and Bismuth oxide, Materials Letters, vol. 62, no. 10-11, pp. 1511-1513, 2008.
S. Rajaambal, Sivaranjani, K., and Gopinath, C. S., Recent developments in solar H-2 generation from water splitting, Journal of Chemical Sciences, vol. 127, no. 1, pp. 33-47, 2015.
S. Rajaambal, Yadav, A. K., Jha, S. Nath, Bhattacharyya, D., and Gopinath, C. S., Electronic structure-sunlight driven water splitting activity correlation of (Zn1-yGay)(O1-zNz), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 43, pp. 23654-23662, 2014.
S. Rajaambal, Mapa, M., and Gopinath, C. S., In1-XGaXN@ZnO: a rationally designed and quantum dot integrated material for water splitting and solar harvesting applications, Dalton Transactions, vol. 43, no. 33, pp. 12546-12554, 2014.
A. M. Raja, Vijayarengan, P., Pal, Y., Nalajala, N., and Gopinath, C., Photocatalytic hydrogen production from H2S using nanostructured CNT blended CdZnS/Fe2O3 thin film on glass substrate, Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 1495. IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020.
V. Paul I. Raj, Shaikh, T. Mahamadali, and Sudalai, A., H-beta zeolite: an efficient, reusable catalyst for one-pot synthesis of isatins from anilines, Acta Chimica Slovenica, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 466-469, 2010.
N. K. K. Raj, Deshpande, S. S., Ingle, R. H., Raja, T., and Manikandan, P., Immobilized molybdovanadophosphoric acids on SBA-15 for selective oxidation of alkenes, in 4th International Symposium on Nanoporous Materials, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2005, vol. 156, pp. 769-778.
V. Paul I. Raj, Suryavanshi, G., and Sudalai, A., Organocatalytic activation of TMSCN by basic ammonium salts for efficient cyanation of aldehydes and imines, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 48, no. 40, pp. 7211-7214, 2007.
V. K. Raj, Gupta, V. Kumar, and Vanka, K., Potential role of lewis acid-base adducts in enhancing stereoselectivity in ziegler-natta catalysts: a DFT study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 127, no. 15, pp. 7220-7229, 2023.
G. K. Raj and Joy, P. Alias, Magnetism in disordered carbon as a function of the extent of graphitization, Solid State Communications, vol. 177, pp. 89-94, 2014.
I. V. P. Raj and Sudalai, A., Facile direct conversion of aldehydes to esters and amides using acetone cyanohydrin, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 46, no. 48, pp. 8303-8306, 2005.
V. K. Raj and Kumar, V., Understanding Ziegler–Natta catalysis through your laptop, Resonance, 2017.
V. K. Raj, Kumawat, J., Dhamaniya, S., Subaramanian, M., Balaraman, E., Gupta, V. Kumar, Vanka, K., and Grubbs, R. H., Insights into the nature of self-extinguishing external donors for ziegler-natta catalysis: a combined experimental and DFT study, ChemCatChem, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 674-681, 2021.
S. S. Raj, Mane, M. B., Thanekar, P., Balapure, K., and Bhandari, V. M., Development of multipurpose biomass-derived adsorbents using Coccinia grandis for removal of contaminants, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policies , vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 3393-3405, 2023.
K. Govind Raj and Joy, P. Alias, Role of localized graphitization on the electrical and magnetic properties of activated carbon, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 100, no. 11, pp. 5151-5161, 2017.
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V. K. Raj, Dhote, P. S. S., Vanka, K., and Ramana, C. V. V., Gold-catalyzed complementary nitroalkyne internal redox process: a DFT study, Frontiers in Chemistry, vol. 9, p. 689780, 2021.
V. Paul I. Raj and Sudalai, A., Asymmetric synthesis of (S)-vigabatrin (R) and (S)-dihydrokavain via cobalt catalyzed hydrolytic kinetic resolution of epoxides, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 49, no. 16, pp. 2646-2648, 2008.
K. Govind Raj and Joy, P. Alias, Cross over from 3D variable range hopping to the 2D weak localization conduction mechanism in disordered carbon with the extent of graphitization, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 17, no. 24, pp. 16178-16185, 2015.
G. K. Raj and Joy, P. Alias, Ferromagnetism at room temperature in activated graphene oxide, Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 605, pp. 89-92, 2014.
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S. K. Rai, Allu, S., and Nangia, A. K., Salts and cocrystal of etodolac: advantage of solubility, dissolution, and permeability, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 4512-4522, 2020.
G. Rai and Kumar, A., Interesting thermal variations owing to cationic ring structural features in protic ionic liquids, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 15, no. 21, pp. 8050-8053, 2013.
G. Rai and Kumar, A., Elucidation of ionic interactions in the protic ionic liquid solutions by isothermal titration calorimetry, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 118, no. 15, pp. 4160-4168, 2014.
S. K. Rai, Baidya, D., and Nangia, A. K., Salts, solvates and hydrates of the multi-kinase inhibitor drug pazopanib with hydroxybenzoic acids, Crystengcomm, vol. 23, no. 35, pp. 5994-6011, 2021.
G. Rai and Kumar, A., Probing thermal interactions of ionic liquids with dimethyl sulfoxide, Chemphyschem, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1927-1933, 2012.
G. Rai and Kumar, A., Enthalpic approach to delineate the interactions of cations of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with molecular solvents, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, no. 32, pp. 14715-14722, 2011.
S. K. Rai, Gunnam, A., Roy, D., Rajput, R., Kulkarni, K., and Nangia, A. K., Cocrystallization of multi-kinase inhibitor pazopanib with fenamic acids: improving dissolution and inhibiting cell migration, CrystEngComm, vol. 25, no. 39, pp. 5565-5574, 2023.
