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P. K. Prasad and Sudalai, A., Copper(I) bromide-catalyzed carbonylative coupling of aryl halides with phenols, alcohols and amines using sodium cyanide as C-1 source: a synthesis of carboxylic acid derivatives, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, vol. 356, no. 10, pp. 2231-2238, 2014.
S. Kar, Sen, S., Maji, S., Saraf, D., Ruturaj,, Paul, R., Dutt, S., Mondal, B., Rodriguez-Boulan, E., Schreiner, R., Sengupta, D., and Gupta, A., Copper(II) import and reduction are dependent on His-Met clusters in the extracellular amino terminus of human copper transporter-1, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 298, no. 3, p. 101631, 2022.
G. V. Shanbhag, Joseph, T., and Halligudi, S. B., Copper(II) ion exchanged A1SBA-15: a versatile catalyst for intermolecular hydroamination of terminal alkynes with aromatic amines, Journal of Catalysis, vol. 250, no. 2, pp. 274-282, 2007.
T. Joseph, Shanbhag, G. V., and Halligudi, S. B., Copper(II) ion-exchanged montmorillonite as catalyst for the direct addition of N-H bond to CC triple bond, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A - Chemical, vol. 236, no. 1-2, pp. 139-144, 2005.
S. B. Tayade, Illathvalappil, R., Lapalikar, V., Markad, D., Kurungot, S., Pujari, B., and Kumbhar, A. S., A copper(ii)-coordination polymer based on a sulfonic-carboxylic ligand exhibits high water-facilitated proton conductivity, Dalton Transactions, vol. 48, no. 29, pp. 11034-11044, 2019.
N. L. Jadhao, Musale, H. B., Gajbhiye, J. M., and Humne, V. T., Copper-mediated [3+2] oxidative cyclization of oxime acetate and its utility in the formal synthesis of fentiazac, Organic and biomolecular chemistry, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 521-528, 2024.
U. N. Gupta, Samuel, V., Muthurajan, H., Kumar, H. H., Patil, S. D., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation method for preparation of Bi3TiNbO9 powders, Ceramics International, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 675-677, 2008.
S. P. Gaikwad, Dhage, S. R., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation method for the preparation of ferroelectric CaBi4Ti4O15, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 229-231, 2005.
S. P. Gaikwad, Potdar, H. S., Samuel, V., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation method for the preparation of fine ferroelectric BaBi2M2O9, Ceramics International, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 379-381, 2005.
S. P. Gaikwad, Dhage, S. R., Potdar, H. S., Samuel, V., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation method for the preparation of nanocrystalline ferroelectric SrBi2Nb2O9 ceramics, Journal of Electroceramics, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 83-87, 2005.
S. R. Dhage, Pasricha, R., A. Murugan, V., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation technique for the preparation of ferroelectric BaBi2Ta2O9, Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 98, no. 2-3, pp. 344-346, 2006.
N. Natarajan, Samuel, V., Pasricha, R., and Ravi, V., Coprecipitation technique to prepare BaNb2O6, Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, vol. 117, no. 2, pp. 169-171, 2005.
S. C. Navale, Samuel, V., Gaikwad, A. B., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation technique to prepare BaTa2O6, Ceramics International, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 297-299, 2007.
R. Radha, Gupta, U. N., Samuel, V., Muthurajan, H., Kumar, H. H., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation technique to prepare BiNbO4 powders, Ceramics International, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1565-1567, 2008.
H. Muthurajan, Gupta, U. N., Rituraj, B., N. Rao, K., Pradhan, S., Radha, R., and Ravi, V., Co-precipitation technique to prepare BiTaO4 powders, Materials Letters, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 501-503, 2008.
I. S. Mulla, Natarajan, N., Gaikwad, A. B., Samuel, V., Guptha, U. N., and Ravi, V., Coprecipitation technique to prepare CoTa2O6 and CoNb2O6, Materials Letter, vol. 61, no. 11-12, pp. 2127-2129, 2007.
S. C. Navale, Gaikwad, A. B., and Ravi, V., Coprecipitation technique to prepare LiTaO3 powders, Materials Letters, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 1047-1048, 2006.
V. Samuel, Gaikwad, A. B., and Ravi, V., Coprecipitation technique to prepare NaNbO3 and NaTaO3, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 123-125, 2006.
V. Samuel, Gaikwad, A. B., Jadhav, A. D., Natarajan, N., and Ravi, V., Coprecipitation technique to prepare NiNb2O6, Materials Letter, vol. 61, no. 11-12, pp. 2354-2355, 2007.
V. A. Murugan, Gaikwad, A. B., Samuel, V., and Ravi, V., Coprecipitation technique to prepare Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 221-223, 2006.
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V. V. Deshpande, Patil, M. M., Navale, S. C., and Ravi, V., Coprecipitation technique to prepare ZnM2O6 powders, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 205-207, 2005.
C. S. Bhatt, Nagaraj, B., Ghosh, D., Ramasamy, S., Thapa, R., Marpu, S. B., and Suresh, A. K., Core-composite mediated separation of diverse nanoparticles to purity, Soft Matter, vol. 15, no. 39, pp. 7787-7794, 2019.
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K. M. Solntsev, Ghosh, D., Amador, A., Josowicz, M., and Krylov, A. I., Correction to what drives the redox properties of model green fluorescence protein chromophores?, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 2, no. 21, pp. 2695–2695, 2011.
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P. Deb, Haldar, T., Kashid, S. M., Banerjee, S., Chakrabarty, S., and Bagchi, S., Correlating Nitrile IR frequencies to local electrostatics quantifies noncovalent interactions of peptides and proteins, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 120, no. 17, pp. 4034-4046, 2016.
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A. Mallick, Kundu, T., and Banerjee, R., Correlation between coordinated water content and proton conductivity in Ca-BTC-based metal-organic frameworks, Chemical Communications, vol. 48, no. 70, pp. 8829-8831, 2012.
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G. S. Jedhe, Paul, D., Gonnade, R. G., Santra, M. K., Hamel, E., Nguyen, T. Luong, and Sanjayan, G. J., Correlation of hydrogen-bonding propensity and anticancer profile of tetrazole-tethered combretastatin analogues, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol. 23, no. 16, pp. 4680-4684, 2013.
S. Krishnaswamy and Shashidhar, M. S., Correlation of intermolecular acyl transfer reactivity with noncovalent lattice interactions in molecular crystals: toward prediction of reactivity of organic molecules in the solid state, Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 83, no. 7, pp. 3952-3959, 2018.
M. I. Tamboli, Bahadur, V., Gonnade, R. G., and Shashidhar, M. S., Correlation of the solid-state reactivities of racemic 2,4(6)-di-O-benzoyl-myo-inositol 1,3,5-orthoformate and its 4,4 `-bipyridine cocrystal with their crystal structures, Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry, vol. 70, no. Part : 11, p. 1040+, 2014.
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S. Kheria, Rayavarapu, S., Kotmale, A. S., Shinde, D. R., Gonnade, R. G., and Sanjayan, G. J., Coumarin-appended stable fluorescent self-complementary quadruple-hydrogen-bonded molecular duplexes, Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 82, no. 12, pp. 6403-6408, 2017.
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A. Kumar Mahato, Pal, S., Dey, K., Reja, A., Paul, S., Shelke, A., Ajithkumar, T. G., Das, D., and Banerjee, R., Covalent organic framework cladding on peptide-amphiphile-based biomimetic catalysts, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 145, no. 23, pp. 12793-12801, 2023.
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